In order to join the club as a full member you must be sponsored by an existing club member. If no sponsor is available you may join the club on a probationary basis for a six month period.
To join El Paso Country Flyers club fill out the membership application based on the following schedule and mail it to the address on the application along with a check. You must have a valid and current AMA# on the form.
- The costs to join the club are as follows:
· Club fiscal year is October 1st thru September 30th.
· Open membership if joining October thru March (19 or older): $40.00
· Open membership if joining April thru September (19 or older): $40.00
· Probationary membership: October thru March: $40.00 for a six month period then an additional $40.00 once full membership is granted.
· Junior membership free (18 or under)
· Renewal cost: $80.00 annually if paid by before October 1st. You will be considered delinquent after October 31 and will be subject to a 20.00 late fee.
New Members must fill out the application form. The application is located in club documents page.
Two ways to Renew your dues.
1. PayPal:
Note: Send as friends or family.... then it must come from your bank account or PayPal balance for us not receive no fee's.
2. Snail mail with check made payable to El Paso Country Flyers.
MAIL To: 234 Barrett LN
Cabot AR,72023
If you are renewing or paying as a first-time member via PayPal, please put your full name and phone number. Also, please put your AMA# in the remarks or notes section so we know who it came from.
Thank you!